Monday, June 2, 2014

Moomy's Swooshy Support!

15degC, and it's defo not as sunny as they said it would be!

O well. But at least I don't feel as though my butt is freezing as it was several hours ago.

I learnt that if the heater doesn't warm you up enough, you chase after the lil boys. Or put a load of laundry into the machine. Or just do something to warm your bones up. That ought to work.

A hot cup of Twinings' Irish Breakfast Tea helps too!

June also happens to be a big month for one of my closest, dearest friends. She's embarking upon a Big Adventure and I am thrilled for her :D I bet it hasn't been easy for her to come to a decision and say "I'm going to do this!!" but my dear, dear girl, you have my support! :D:D:D In the words of Nike, "Just Do It!"

Not many people are brave enough to take a step into The Unknown. O, the naysayers and the critiques you get from friends and sometimes, your own family, can be dream-busters. The questions people have for you ("What do/will you do with ALL THAT TIME??") can make you second-guess yourself URGH! But!! We can't let those negative thoughts occupy our mind. 

To me, it also helps when one has a supportive and encouraging spouse (I know my darling BFF agrees with me on this one). O there were days when I don't think I could manage the boys on my own. I had moments when it was just me alone and the boys were having a meltdown and we were outside!! People are staring and looking at us … urgh! It was enough to make me pull my scarf and hair out but I ploughed on. My darling hubby once told me that I am much stronger than I think I am. He complimented me many times and said that I am a good Mommy to the boys (even though I had my doubts). That meant a lot - thank you, darling! *kiss kiss* :D:D:D

Hehehehe even if you suck, initially. Cheeky, isn't it?

So here's to my darling girl (you know who you are!): 
I know you can do it. Me and my boys are waving our porn pink pom-poms for you all the way from here :D:D:D Go kick some ass!! :D:D:D You rock! :D:D:D

Sotong xxx

Rock On!!

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