Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Moomy & Father's Day

The world celebrated Father's Day this past weekend. We did too, by driving back to the Coast to visit my in-laws. It was supposed to be a 2-in-1 surprise for my dear FiL - his birthday and Father's Day fall in the same week in June.

Of course, being the acute observer that he is, my FiL noticed pretty quickly that something was up (my darling hubby had only informed his mom of our plan) - my MiL had started to pack away her yarn and pick up more food than usual at the supermarket. 

O well, we thought. So much for a surprise right? But cheeky him played along and feigned that surprise look, complete with a clutched-hand-to-his-heart stance the minute our truck pulled up in his driveway.

Hehehehe. O yeah. Goofiness certainly runs in my darling hubby's family.

My darling hubby (the taller dude) and his father 
(o yeah, my dear FiL certainly can give
Tom Selleck a run for the mustache!). 
This was, I believe, before my hubby went into the Navy.
He was the 4th in the family to do so - 
as did his father, grandfather and great-grandfather.

My darling hubby celebrating his birthday 
in 2012 with his beloved parents.
Yes, the one making them rabbit-ears is my cheeky FiL!

Even though our FD was spent quietly at my in-laws over a simple but delish home-cooked meal - grilled steak, potato salad, garlic bread and apple pie! - what was significant about this weekend was how, after many many years of being overseas for work, my darling hubby was finally able to be home with his parents on a day dedicated to honor one of them.

Heh  I was too hungry to take pictures before our meal 
but was able to do so the next day. 
This was what was left over - the delish home-made apple pie
and mini store-bought FD cake :D

The Father's Day card my darling hubby 
received from his parents said it all ...

I don't know about you readers but I find that Father's Day is often overlooked and overshadowed by the more popular and celebrated Mother's Day. Maybe its because mothers are usually the primary caregiver at home and fathers are usually the main breadwinner and therefore, away from the crazy and hectic household.

This is of me and my own beloved Daddy.
We may currently be separated by the miles and the ridiculous fam-pol, 
but just so you know, Ayah … 
you (& Ibu) are never far from my heart & mind.

But judging from the road traffic we had faced this weekend on our way home from the Coast, everyone was out and about doing something with their beloved Daddies.

And in honor of Father's Day, this was the love letter I wrote to my darling hubby in my card this year:

My dearest Goofball,

I don't know about others but we sure had a full plate on our hands these last 12 months or so. Whatever happened had defo put a strain on us both but we pulled through it all together

As the responsible head of the family, you kept the engines running even though we both knew you spent sleepless nights worrying about it all. You made decisions that were hard for you to swallow but you never wavered from your main priorities - your little family. You always say "I don't care about others. All I have to worry about is you and the boys!"

And even through that challenging period, as my spouse/partner, you saw things in me that I couldn't see myself. You encouraged me to explore opportunities in the real world. 

Even though it was hard for me to leave the lil ones behind, you would always say "Honey, the boys will be fine!" And they were. It was very heart-warming to come back to loud giggles and laughter from the 3 of you. It's like the boys did not even miss me at all!

You know how much the boys love and adore you. I think they are the luckiest boys in town to have you as their Daddy. 

My darling hubby and his little goofballs

And I am very lucky too. Because I've been blessed with your love.

Happy Father's Day, my love. Here's to many many more! :D:D:D I love you.



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